Judith Goldberg, Attorney & Mediator.
– 1986-1990
1986 Law Degree of Juris Doctor Cum Laude, Pace University School of Law
Pace Law Review, Senior Staff, 1985-1986 Award Recipient
1986 Admission to the Bar of the State of Connecticut
1987 Admission to the Bar of the State of New York
1988 Admission to United States District Court, District of Connecticut
1990 Admission to the United States Supreme Court of America
– 1995
1995 Connecticut Family and Divorce Mediation, Training
1995 New York State Family and Divorce , Training
Divorce Attorney
Knowing your rights and obligations in the Divorce process is essential to protecting your financial security and parental rights. The selection of a qualified, experienced family law attorney to give you the advice that you will need to make the right choices is paramount in this process.
Judith Goldberg is a very experienced divorce attorney. She provides the highest quality legal representation. With over thirty years of experience as a courtroom advocate, she works very hard for her clients. Until you and your spouse have resolved, through settlement, all issues relating to separating assets in the marital estate, allocating your debts, and disputes over access and custody of minor children, your divorce is a “contested divorce” and requires effective, strategic planning, and qualified legal representation that only an experienced divorce attorney can provide. Contact Judith Goldberg today.
Family Law Attorney
There are several areas encompassed in family & divorce law such as visitation, child support, child custody, alimony or spousal maintenance. Judith Goldberg is a very experienced divorce attorney who can effectively handle all of these matters for you.
Family Law
Knowing your rights and obligations in the Divorce process is essential to protecting your financial security and parental rights. The selection of a qualified, experienced family law attorney to give you the advice that you will need to make the right choices is paramount in this process. Judith Goldberg, provides the highest quality legal representation, with over thirty years of experience as a courtroom advocate, for her clients. Judith Goldberg can provide you with a complimentary consultation to discuss your case. Call her today!
Divorce Mediation
You may not always necessary to hire a divorce attorney. A divorce attorney can be necessary in many cases, however, mediation is a form of dispute resolution where a mediator or facilitator assists parties who can not agree on important topics to reach a resolution.
A mediated divorce is an alternative method utilized to reach the important conclusion in your divorce case, a Settlement Agreement and an “uncontested divorce.” In Mediation with Judith Goldberg, her many years of training and experience as a Mediator, helps couples reach an amicable resolution of all of the relevant issues so that a divorce can be concluded faster, with less cost and acrimony. A highly skilled, & qualified divorce attorney & mediator, can assist you in coming to a fair & amicable resolution to your marriage, in a way that’s more comfortable.
Divorce Information
Divorce Information
Knowing your rights and obligations in the Divorce process is essential to protecting your financial security and parental rights.
Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation
In divorce mediation, the mediator narrows issues and facilitates communication for brainstorming and option building on all issues necessary in a divorce
Divorce Financial Analysis
Divorce Financial Analysis
When making the decision to get a divorce, there are some steps to consider in the beginning. One of those, is to have a complete divorce financial analysis completed.
Child Custody
Child Custody
The Custody and parenting of minor children are important issues to be addressed in divorce, separation and other family matters.
Child Support
Child Support
The purpose of an order for child support is to provide financial support for a child or children. Parents have a legal obligation
Alimony & Spousal Maintenance
Alimony & Spousal Maintenance
Alimony & spousal maintenance is continuing support from one spouse to another for a specified period of time. When individuals enter into a marriage
choose us
Over 30 years of experience as a courtroom attorney and mediator of issues related to the divorce process. Judith Goldberg brings to her practice creative family law solutions, strategic planning, with compassion and results, to meet the needs of her clients to navigate through the most difficult of family law matters.
How Are Assets Divided In A Divorce?
The courts will consider many factors to determine what is fair and equitable in allocating and distributing assets and debts in a divorce action. Although more than 90% of divorce actions are settled by the parties, without having a Judge render a determination, it is helpful to examine the factors that a Judge will consider in determining the fairness of a financial award or support order.
As your divorce attorney, or as a couple’s mediator, Judith Goldberg will help to foster in her clients realistic expectations in resolving contested cases.
The financial analysis is specific to your life and your marriage. In a contested divorce, where a settlement is not reached, a Judge will hear the evidence and make a determination affecting the financial division of property, allocation of debt and support issues, among other things. The evidence presented to a court will include the length of your marriage, age of the parties, education and training of each party, earnings and earning capacity, how and when assets were acquired and liabilities incurred, the reasons for the breakdown of the marriage, and whether there are young children in the care of one of the spouses that impacts that caretakers ability to be in the workforce.
As your divorce attorney, or as a couple’s Mediator, Judith Goldberg works with her client or couples (if mediating) to consider and develop strategies, examine options to achieve results that are beneficial to her clients.
Alimony is continuing support from one spouse to another for a specified period of time. When alimony is awarded in a divorce it is viewed as being based on a continuing duty of one spouse to the other. Either spouse may be awarded alimony from the other, but there is no absolute right to alimony. There is no specific formula to determine the calculation, unlike determining a child support order where there are specific State guidelines. In fashioning an Order of spousal support (“alimony”), a Court will consider, after a hearing of evidence, many factors and measure a spouse’s duty of support against the reasonable limits of the other party’s ability to pay.
A qualified Family Law Attorney should be consulted to identify and define your support needs and to analyze and review your options with you. It is not uncommon for the parties, by agreement, to fashion a support order without having to go to the Judge to make that determination. Your divorce attorney will guide you to reach a resolution that is appropriate for your particular situation, need and financial circumstances.
As your divorce Mediator my role is that of a neutral, impartial, third party, who has no stake in the outcome of the dispute, to help a couple settle and resolve all disputed issues that are present in a divorce.
I encourage dialogue and open communication between a couple, in an environment where each spouse is able to express their opinions and voice their concerns. As a divorce Mediator, I work to help a couple resolve conflicts in their dispute which may involve parental issues such as custody and time-sharing, child support, alimony, and finances including the division of assets and debts.
My role is to facilitate communication by identifying issues, brainstorming available options, and allowing the parties to reach a voluntary agreement.
As your divorce Mediator, I will prepare a written Separation Agreement or Divorce Agreement that reflects the agreement reached in mediation, as well as prepare all the documents that are required to be filed in the Court for the parties to move forward to an Uncontested Divorce, and obtain a final Judgment of dissolution of marriage.
Many couples contemplating marriage and their respective financial circumstances, desire to have a formal written agreement (before getting married) predetermining what would happen with their estates if they should divorce or upon the death of either party.
Connecticut prenuptial agreements are usually entered into to anticipate future issues and provide for their resolution to the extent reasonably possible based upon foreseeable future circumstances. An agreement can help avoid future litigation which can reduce costs in the event of separation, divorce or death. Without agreement, litigation often occurs in the event of future disagreement and it can take months for important issues to be resolved.
A prenuptial agreement should be a negotiated settlement that is fair and equitable for both parties under the circumstances. The process of entering into such an agreement may also spur communication between the parties about important premarital issues. Additionally the time required to resolve issues by agreement is typically far less than that involved in future litigation.
Connecticut has adopted the Connecticut Premarital Agreement Act which sets forth the law and procedure for entering into prenuptial agreements. It commonly includes provisions for property division and spousal support. A prenuptial agreement is only valid if entered into prior to marriage. Prenuptial agreements are recognized in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The agreements however cannot address issues pertaining to children as these issues must be decided in the best interests of the children.
Florida Children’s Legal Services
Florida Children’s Legal Services When a couple goes through a divorce, many of the factors become increasingly complicated when that couple has children together. If divorce occurs through mediation, the parents are permitted to make the decisions regarding their...
Can we mediate child support?
Can we mediate child support? A lot of people think that mediation is strictly limited to simply obtaining a divorce. However, when a couple who is getting divorced has children, there are a number of other factors taken into consideration, all of which can be handled...
What issues can mediation help with?
What issues can mediation help with? Mediation can assist with many different types of issues that people throughout Florida face. When a person thinks of mediation, many times they think of mediation in terms of matters of divorce and family law. While mediation is...
Florida’s Child Support Laws
Florida’s Child Support Laws When a couple that has a child or multiple children gets divorced, there are many factors that need to be handled. When children are involved, a divorce is not just about the couple. It is about the entire family because it will have...
What Our Clients Say
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vel augue non dolor mollis sodales. Ut massa quam, rhoncus eget augue quis, placerat posuere lorem.
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